This is a super exciting blog to send out to you all.
Jen and I are really really stoked to bring you a new podcast, along with a competition to help launch it.
Simply enter your details below to enter. You don’t have to join our mailing list but we would love it if you did. Please share this competition with your friends.
Why are we launching a podcast and running this competition?
We will be launching this new little part of our journey to help bring you some really fascinating people with way more knowledge than we could ever have, in the next week. The podcast will be called Move, Breathe, Live with wibbs yoga and spirit wren and will be exploring the subjects of the title with some of the best and cleverest in their fields.
Most of you know that both Jen and I are registered working nurses, who have both spent over a decade working with the NHS and in private health care. Within that time we have found that we constantly felt that we were always dealing with people too late and had too little to offer them.
Well through our personal journeys of movement/breath work and living lives in which we have experienced all that life can throw at us, we felt that maybe if we could bring the knowledge we have gained from a more traditional setting and begin to apply that to the areas of pain/stress/anxiety and how the breath can be tied into this and how these can affect every aspect of our lives.
Some of the guests we have lined up include some of my teachers, Gary Ward and Joanne Avison. Yoga teachers i have a lot of respect for, who are doing great work to bring a much more updated understanding of the body to a new generation of yoga practitioners. There will be some of the leading lights in the world of breath work including another teacher of mine, Patrick Mckeown. Most excitingly for me, is discussing the stress physiological response and how our psychology and the stories we tell our selves are all driven by our physiology with some of my favourite people i follow online Rob Wilson, Emily Hightower, Rob fortune. Also because i have grown up as a punk and hardcore kid i will be getting to chat to some of my absolute musical heroes from when i was about 14/15 who have all have a yoga practice or developed a deep physical fitness/health practice, Ragunath/Adam Blake and Robert Ehrenbrand. There will also be nurses from mental health backgrounds and likely physical health along with many other practitioners in the health and wellness world who are trying to make a difference and help prevent people really ever needing to end up in hospital in the first place.
AS WELL AS ALLLLLLLLLLLL these incredible guests, there will be shorter 10-20 minute episodes in which Jen and i will be breaking down life as a couple. The highs/lows/laughs and hurts that we go through and how we go about using the tools we try to help bring to others and how as two people we have such different takes on the ways in which we deal with stresses/pain/anger/heartbreak and much more. Basically it will be a very open/honest couples councilling live on tape hahahaha.
This podcast will be available every where you normally get your epiosdes, Apple and spotify, stitcher and where ever else you could care to i am sure (literally dont know any other places you would get them from.) I really Hope you will come and join me and jen on our little journey to bring you some amazing guests, some incredible information and even some actionable tips to impliement into your life to try and help make life that little bit easier.
Finally (i promise..i know your bored of reading already) there is a MEGA competition we have managed to get lined up for you all to help launch the podcast and get as many of you listening in and helping us grow to be bigger than Joe Rogan haha.
We have secured a £200 gift voucher from one of our podcast sponsors Bamboo Clothing, which as you know i am a massive fan of, who make the comfiest, softest clothes EVER. TWO HUNDRED POUNDS….Pretty fucking sweet ay.
£200 gift voucher to be given away.
As if that wasnt enough, a second sponsor we have managed to secure, Manduka Yoga are going to be letting us give away a Manduka Pro yoga mat…This is the same mat jen and i use and in my eyes is THE rolls royce of yoga mats, ive never found anything which comes close to it in 15 years of yoga practice.
I think you can agree that these are pretty incredible prizes and so keep an eyes out on social media and in the emails from us to enter the draw to win.
See you all on your matt real soon.
big love from me, Wibbs and my beautiful wife, Wren.
There is no cash alternative to the prize. This competition closes on the 30th June 2021. prize winner will be selected at random and informed by email. If the winner does not respond within 48 hours we will choose a new winner.